Social Security Disability in Quincy

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Legal Help for Your Social Security Disability

If you're suffering from an illness or other medical condition that prevents you from working, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance. However, obtaining these benefits can be difficult. SSDI claims are denied at an alarmingly high rate, almost 70% or more. Help from a skilled attorney can give you a fighting chance for relief.

Since 1984, the Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand in Braintree, MA has provided personalized advice and guidance for Massachusetts workers seeking the financial assistance they need. You don't have to grapple with the harsh effects of disability alone. Let the Law Office of Lindsay Rand help!

Prepare for Your SSDI Claim

SSDI benefits are payable to workers who have a disability that prevents them from working for a year or more. To qualify, you must meet certain earning requirements throughout your lifetime and your SSDI benefits, if granted, will be based on your history of earnings.

At the Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand, we can guide you through the application process and assist you in compiling important documents, such as employment records and medical proof of your health condition. We will also interact with government examiners reviewing your claim, providing additional documentation and information that may be requested.

Get Support for Your SSDI Appeal

Even when people have demonstrated disabilities, SSDI claims can be denied. Common reasons are incomplete documentation, failure to cooperate with SSA examiners, inadequate proof of long-term disability, failure to undergo prescribed therapy or treatments, fraud in the application, or a finding that the disability is only partial and still allows for substantial gainful activity. Even if benefits are awarded, they may be lower than the amount you need and deserve.

If your claim is denied or shortchanged, you have remedies available. At the Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand, we have represented individuals across the state seeking relief from negative decisions. We can use a wide range of legal forums to appeal your case.

  • Reconsideration: This is a fresh review of your claim by a different examiner and different medical consultants than were involved in the original case, and this allows you to completely re-document and re-argue your case without any prejudice from the initial denial
  • ALJ hearing: If your appeal is rejected again, you have 60 days to request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ), who reviews the decision, evaluates new evidence and testimony, and can grant benefits in a substantial percentage of cases
  • Appeals Council: Upon rejection from the ALJ, there is a right to a review by the SSA Appeals Council, but this review will only see if there were errors made by the ALJ, and claimant success is low
  • Federal court: After going to the Appeals Council, your last recourse is to sue in federal court, claiming you were denied SSDI benefits in violation of law, and federal judges often find that particular evidence was given improper weight and will remand the case the SSA for reconsideration

Even if the Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand did not handle your original SSDI claim, we are available to represent you in all stages of the appeals process.

Call Our Experienced Attorney Today

At the Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand in Braintree, MA we help clients file for Social Security Disability benefits. We offer personalized service with reliable support from start to finish. As a local firm, we've served you since 1984, and we're proud to be a knowledgeable and accomplished partner for your legal needs. Our firm has been peer-review rated!

Same-day consultations are available for emergency needs. Most other consultations are completed in a few days. We work on contingency. Free a free consultation, call us now or fill out our online form.


Do You Have a Disability?

Call now for a free consultation about how to get Social Security Disability Insurance

(781) 401-7179

(781) 401-7179

Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for the superb representation that you afforded me in my recent disability petition to the Social Security Administration. The refrain I always heard was that "Nobody is ever initially approved. Everybody has to go through the drawn-out appeal process." In all honesty, the common belief was also my belief. In my various vocational roles, I had never become aware of initial approval of any claim despite the large number of cases that I believed had merit. Needless to say, I was surprised and pleased to open my mail last week and learn that my application had been approved in the first instance. I have to attribute this to your effective and diligent representation. I was immediately struck by your professionalism and dedication to me as a client when you spent more than two hours with me at our initial meeting. That commitment continued unabated. I was impressed when you ensured seamless communication with me during each step of the process. There are many options for representation in cases such as mine. I can honestly state that I was extremely fortunate to not only have the benefit of your expertise but also to have you as an advocate who tirelessly championed my case. Your efforts have helped to provide a measure of stability to my future that, in certain respects, contains a level of uncertainty due to my disability. This is a comfort to me and my loved ones and will be meaningful in helping me to overcome any challenges that may lie ahead.

- AC from Marshfield, MA

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Attorney Rand, who represented me in my recent disability claim. I could not be more pleased with the services Lindsay provided me during this process. All my questions were answered promptly, whether it was a phone call or an email. I thought I would be in for a long wait and have to go through an appeal, but that was not the case. In less than four months from start to finish, I received my benefits. I owe Lindsay a debt of gratitude and thanks for his knowledge and expertise in this process. Most of all, Lindsay is one of the most genuine people you will ever hope to meet.

- GZ from Stoughton, MA

I thank Lindsay. His compassion and professional help really made a difference where others have failed. Thank you again, Lindsay.

- AG from Braintree, MA

My husband and I wholeheartedly recommend the expert services of Attorney Lindsay Rand. After having dealt with two other Social Security attorneys in California to no avail, we were most fortunate to find and retain the services of Attorney Rand following our move here. His professional knowledge and command of the Social Security Administration’s disability claim, appeals, and hearing process were evident throughout. He was patient, diligent, very knowledgeable, and committed to our appeal to Social Security for a permanent disability finding and award. He was responsive to all our calls and obviously knowledgeable and up to date with our personal case. Attorney Rand earned our respect and confidence at every turn, was well prepared for our extremely important final hearing, and, very much to his credit, helped us to obtain our fully favorable decision! In our opinion, he is one in a million!

- SF and SF in Plymouth, MA

Learn More About Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand

Located in Braintree, MA. Law Office of Lindsay Preston Rand specializes in Social Security Disability services and Social Security appeals services. Free consultations. Same-day emergency consultations. Contingency payments. Call now.

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